Started making the rounds on the Internet and had to cut it short, the Sons of Anarchy finale news is all over the place and I won't be able to watch it until tonight. It was on way too late for me last night. Lots of comments on Jimmy Smits' love of the cardigans, brings up a good point, the guy is called O.G. and yet wears Mr Rogers' Cardigans. Moving on.
So I think this will be 3 or 4 quick things every morning that I find exciting about the news of pop culture in the previous 24 hours.
So off we go.
Over the last six months, I've discovered Doctor Who. When I attended the Toronto Fan Expo in 2012 I noticed just how much Doctor Who stuff was on each and every table. I had to see what the fuss was all about. It was a slow process in starting at season one of the 2005 version of the Doctor. I thought the show was silly, but I kept on powering through, about half way through it got much better and I was starting to become more interested. Then Season two brought David Tennant and I was hooked. So, when they showed the picture yesterday of a wooden Cybermen for the upcoming Christmas Special, I was thrilled. This thing looks terrifying and I didn't think it was possible to look more horrible than the metal version. Great job and I can't wait for the special.
Another love of mine is all things Tim Burton, so when art came out yesterday combining Tim Burton themed art mixed with Doctor Who, how can you not be excited for that!
I know some people have mixed feelings about the 80's, but one of the greatest things to come out of the 80's is The Goonies. So when they announced yesterday that the 80's Show, err, The Goldbergs will be doing a show centered around The Goonies, I started to countdown the days until this sucker airs.
That's it for today, I hope to be back tomorrow with more items. But I'll have to keep dodging the Samcro spoilers in the mean time.