Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thoughts from the Media Room: Charlie's Angels

I sat down and finally watched this last night, started to make some dinner about half way through. Ya, it was that good that I had to go do something else at the same time.

A cat burglar, a court-martial-ex soldier, and a dirty cop get a chance to turn their lives around; fighting crime and working for the mysterious Charlie Townsend.

I'll admit that I never saw the original series back in the 70's, but I've seen clips from it and I did the see the first movie with Drew Barrymore and I'm pretty sure I saw the second movie. The thing i enjoyed about those is, they don't take themselves seriously and it's fun action.

This re-imaging or whatever you want to call it, does take itself way too seriously and is horribly mis-cast. I'm sorry, but I enjoyed Minka Kelly in Friday Night Lights as the good girl cheer-leader and when she tries to go above that she's really out of her element. So when I see her being tortured like Jackie Bauer by Tony Almada I'm just not buying it.

One thing that bothers me about modern television is that everyone has to be pretty, no-one can look like a normal. So when we meet Bosley and he's some stud in the pool with a couple of ladies, I'm just not buying it.

I don't write very well, hell, at times I'd consider myself a pretty awful writer. But who wrote this pilot? 5 Year Olds? Check out two of the more stellar lines of the night.
"We're Angels, not Saints"
"I never knew my heart could hurt this much"

I could go on and on about how bad the acting is, how bad the first story line is and the action is ok, but these angels are a bit to hardcore to be compared to the original series.

I dis-liked this one SO much, it almost pains me that it was on my pvr for almost 5 days.

So ya, I'm going to pass on this.

And one last thing, ABC. You dropped a great series like Detroit 187 to bring us garbage like this? Ya, thanks. Yes, this fan is still totally bitter about that cancellation.

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