Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Live-Blog - Second Hour

9:29 - Reese looks stunning, as always.  Has she aged since Cruel Intentions?  Seriously?

9:31 - Supporting Actor is up, holy Batman's beard, Batman.  Some great performances in this category this year.  On a side note, I'm really digging the envelope this year.  LOL!!

9:32 - Bale wins, no surprise there.  Bale's accent blows my mind every time he wins an award.  Nice joke by Bale to the audio clip that released a few year's back where he lost his mind and must have dropped the F-Bomb a few dozen times.  Wow, Batman is tearing up.

9:39 - Let's celebrate ABC! Um, what?

9:40 - Another history lesson, thanks Australia.  Thanks George Lucas!  I haven't watch E.T. in years, I really need to sit down and watch it soon.  Thanks Oscars for the reminder.

9:42 - Original Score, fingers crossed for Trent Reznor! YES!!!  How many of us thought all those years ago when listening to the Downward Spiral screaming Fuck You Like an Animal would have thought that guy one day would be an Oscar Winner?

9:45 - Is James Franco looking at his lines when he looks up like that?  Or is he just trying to remember.  He's driving me nuts with that, I'm sure I'm not alone on that.

9:46 - Scarlett and Matthew, that's two pretty people if I say so myself.  Sound Mixing:  Another one for Inception.  I have to wonder if Inception will win more awards than anything else, but just not the big ones.

9:48 And let's get that other sound award out of the way.  Sound Editing.  Yet another for Inception.

9:54 - One of Oscars biggest blunders, Maresi Tomei, what's she doing lately?  I do remember The Fighter from last year, or the year before.  But since then?  Oh, she's hosting the Techincal Awards.  James Franco and I just shared a thought.  I said congrats Nerds 10 seconds before he did.  Too funny.

9:55 - Yes, Lord of the Rings mention.  Way to go Cate.  Make up goes to the Wolfman.

9:58 - Costume Design goes to Alice in Wonderland.   Did this movie come out in January 2010?  It seems soooo long ago now.

10:02 - Hey Kevin Spacey, you need to do another Usual Suspects type of movie.  Ugg, I can't believe we're still doing the song performances.  Welcome to killing the flow of the show. 

10:05 - Woah, wait a minute, are they doing all the songs at once? 

10:06 - Is that Chuck?  He can sing??

10:12 - Love the shout out to Oscar Pools!  Documentary Short Subject, Strangers No More.  Sorry, your movie is a stranger to me.   I know of no way of watching those movies in this area. 

10:14 - Live Action Short Film, God of Love.  Oh, thank you.  Lesson Learned, I-Tunes, we can see these movies on I-Tunes. 

10:16 - Love the Auto Tune of movies!! 

10:19 - Oprah!!

10:20 - Best Documentary, Inside Job.  Come on, they should have given it to Banksy.

10:23 - Just got mentioned by @BizInBurlington for the first hour live blog.  That's awesome.

10:24 - I took a two hour nap this afternoon trying to prepare this event and I'm fading fast here.  Pick it up Oscars.

10:27 - And here we have a former host that did a much better job than the current two.  He got the standing ovation because I think the audience wants him to take over.

10:29 - Is Billy trying to give the current hosts some advice here? 

10:31 - ya, Jude, get out of Downey's way...

10:32 - Best Visual Effects goes to Inception, how many is that now, you'd really think I'd know at this point.

10:34 - From what I can tally, the number is 4 for Inception.

10:34 - Film Editing, The Social Network.  No Doubt.  If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.  The flow of this movie is incredible.  Winding the storylines the way they did and it flowed so well.  Great job.

Let's end this hour here.  See ya on the next page.

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