Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Live-Blog - Third Hour

Here we go with the third and hopefully final hour of the show.

10:41 - More awkward and  The last two songs. 

10:42 - Florence!!  Brilliant artist.

10:44 - Followed by...Gwyneth.

10:46 - Toy Story grabs the Original Song. 

10:52 - Were we expecting Celine to make an appearence?

10:53 - This is the most shocking part of the show here.  Sad to see just how many greats we've lost in a year.

10:56 - Halle Berry, what Oscar Curse.

11:00 - Umm, Anne, Wonder Woman has already been cast.  What's with that dress?

11:01 - Hilary Swank, what Oscar Curse x 2?

11:02 - So Swank is here to announce someone else.  Director Award already?  Isn't it a wee bit early.

11:03 - Whaaaat? King's Speech for best director with Tom Hooper.  Wow indeed, Tom.

11:06 - The Lifetime awards can't even be shown live.  Wow.  Slap in the face to the greats of this field.

11:07 - That sir is one amazing bow tie.  Frances rules!

11:11 - Jeff Bridges enters, we've only got three left people  We're almost there.  How can't Portman win this one.  Seriously.  There we go.  A stunning performance.

11:20 - Sandra Bullock here for the guys award.  Please don't take almost 8 minutes like Jeff did.

11:25 - She only took 5 minutes and like predicted, it goes to Firth.

11:33 - Last award of the night, let's see what they picked as the movie of the year. 

11:35 - While the King's Speech speech was fitting for the montage, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see it win it all.  Kind of took the suspense out of it for me.

11:36 - The King's Speech win's it all.

That's all for another year.  I hope this year we get the same quality of movies.

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