Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Disney buys Lucasfilm - Link Round Up Part Two

Earlier tonight I posted a bunch of links and within minutes I thought, oh what about that site and this site.  So after sitting on twitter for a while tonight, I've gathered more links and more great posts related to this epic moment in time.

Entertainment Weekly asks the question, Who should direct the next Star Wars film?  Find out who's on there short list here.

The LA Times is up next and they also asks just Who gets the task of carrying on this epic story from our youth.  They've even got a POLL! A guy named Nobody leads the survey with Joss Whedon a close second.  With Avengers 2 and S.H.E.I.L.D. I'm thinking his plate is already pretty full. 

The Huffington Post TV Division re-tells the story of the 4 year in the works Star Wars tv show that frankly, I thought was dead in the water.  But when the company that now owns Star Wars also owns a tv channel, it might actually be alive again.

Geek Magazine has a quick post, nothing really new here.  They do have a cool play on a classic Mickey image using Death Stars though and that's worth a look.  I will agree with them in that when I first got the email this afternoon I was about to jump on twitter and facebook and tell everyone I know what's happening.  But I had to stop myself in my tracks and think.  Wait a second.  I need to read this first to see if this is real.  Just in case.

Another one of my favorite sites and I don't know how I forgot them the first time around on this, The Wrap has a nice two pager worth checking out.  Apparently those theme parks are profitable because in 6 years Disney has spent almost $15.5 BILLION dollars to aquire Pixar, Marvel and now Lucasfilm.

The always entertaining Alien Bee News has a nice post with a great Disney Star Wars Mashup, the article starts with Holy Sith Balls and ends in a terrible Star Wars Pun.

The great team at Nerd Bastards reacts much like I did while driving home this evening.  Oh by the way, tomorrow is THE worst drive home of the year.  Moving along.

If you want details and lots of it, head on over to Movie Web and they've got that covered.  They've already got a page with the details for Star Wars: Episode 9. I can't believe I just typed Star Wars: Episode 9.  Anyway, I wondered if the folks already have the Star Wars 7,8 and 9 pages in the database already.  They don't. Slackers.

Screenrant drops an article on the news as well as a video with fans/bloggers talking about it all.

This story is so big that even hardware site C-Net got into the spirit of it all.

Wired is all over this one starting here, another one here  to talk about what Disney brings to the table with the Franchise and then talk of the twitter reaction a bit here.

The Hollywood Reporter talks a bit about the what we might expect right over here.  They then get all Wall Street and Business World and talk about the deal and numbers.

Film School Rejects has a bit written, another copy of the press release if you haven't read that yet.  But they've got a great picture of the Lucasfilm logo with Mickey.  The amount of PhotoShop we've seen in the last 8 hours has been pretty awesome so far.

And lastly I'll round it out with the great team over at Slashfilm who have a massive Question and Answer section about this and is way worth the read.   They've started a discussion about how will Star Wars be different under Disney and without Lucas running the show.  Plus they've got their initial article on the whole thing right about here.

So that's it for now, I'm sure in the next few days further news will start to come out after the dust all starts to settle and we'll see where we go from here.

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