Monday, October 22, 2012

"Wanted List" - Boardgame Edition

I had the guys over on Saturday for some board game action, some Dominion, Settlers of Catan and the finally opened Ticket to Ride.  We've got a pile of games, but you've only got space for so many different games and only so much time before you just get tired.

It got me thinking, I really need to put together a list of games that need to be added to the Media Room shelves.

First up, you'd think I'd already have everything that you could possibly get for Catan.  I'm quite obsessed with Catan to the point that my license plate is Catan themed.  Over at Kickstarter you can take a look at this amazing Catan project to actually keep the cards in place.  This thing is beautiful, sadly I'd need like six or seven of them to fit all my Catan pieces.  Regardless, this will become a must.

Next up and keeping up with the Catan theme is these amazing Catan Coasters.  Both awesome and educational all at the same time.  We're already taking up precious table space with the building card, why not make it do something useful.  These are available at the very cool Catan Shop. What? You don't have a Catan T-Shirt, Apron or Catan Cake Tin? Well then head on over.

Enough Catan, next up is another recent find.  These games are a bit older now, but I've been so locked into Catan that I've only just opened up to other games.

So, after playing Dominion for like 10 minutes I knew was hooked and needed more.  So, like Catan I feel the need to line some shelves of the Media Room with most of the expansions.

Over the weekend, I finally broke out Ticket to Ride.  I've had this one in a box for a couple months know and never got a chance to play it.  It took a couple of games but I'm hooked.  Downloaded it for my Ipad last night and played way too much last night and way too much today at work.  So again, we need to expand the gaming universe and pick up some more.

Next up is an expansion of a game that I have but I've yet to play. 

So that's it for now, I'm sure a visit to the game store we'll able to find more great games that need to be played.

For great prices and a great selection of games head on over to Geek Stop Games based out of London for all your gaming needs.  There is more to life out there than Monopoly.

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