Sunday, March 4, 2012

Inside the Media Room - Lego Star Wars - X-Wing Build

So after the Tie Fighter was finished and the Jays game was well underway and we're leading on that front.  Time to start the X-Wing Build.

That's exciting and all, but let's take a look at what's in there.

Alrighty, we all know what we need to do here.  Let's get started and see what's in that first bag and what Mini-Figures come with this kit. Note the glass of Zingy Zaps and Skittles.  It truly was a perfect afternoon all around.  The Jays won the game!

Some very cool Mini-Figures in this one.

Let's see the body of the X-Wing after that first bag.

Check out the contents of bags 2 and 3.

After that third bag, the body is pretty much done.

Bags 4 and 5 are the same and they each build 2 Wing Segments.

Completed Wing.

And the completed X-Wing.

And with expanded Wings, don't worry about poor R2.  That's my lone disappointment with the kit.  It should really come with some bricks so you can display it with the wings expanded.

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